What’s the First Step in the Patent Process?

Invention protection and provisional patent applications are two important elements that is, the process of taking your idea through the patent process. But the patent process involves much more than this as you can read from https://www.companionlink.com/blog/2021/12/the-benefits-of-patent-services-from-inventhelp-experts/.

Documentation: Whenever you come up with a new idea or invention, you want to get a “date” attached to it immediately. Write out the general concept of your invention. Take the paper to a Notary Public.

Notary Public: Explain to the Notary that you have a description of a new idea and you need to get a date associated with it. Usually, the Notary will ask you to sign and date the paper and then they will witness this procedure.

Invention Protection: The reason for documenting your invention is to avoid conflicts with someone who may come up with it later. Once it’s notarized, keep the original document in a safe place with all notes and drawings you may have. It’s a good idea to keep a diary on your project.

The Provisional Patent Application – An Ideal Program for Your Invention

For many people, Provisional Patent Application is the most cost-effective method to explore commercial opportunity for their invention. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on a non-provisional patent application to see if a manufacturer has an interest in your idea.

Provisional Patent Applications allows for refinement and/or improvement, as well as for one year of invention protection. Almost every invented new product evolves during the patent process. If you file for a utility patent right away and refinements or improvements come about, you cannot add this information to the utility patent application without filing a new application called a Continuation-In-Part as explained on – How to get a patent with InventHelp article.

Small Business SEO – How Does it Benefit You?

If you are wondering how small business SEO will benefit you, there are a number ways that it will. SEO is an abbreviation for a business marketing strategy, which is called search engine optimization. If we break down this word then it means making your website, whether it is a business website, a blog, or a personal website, optimized for search engines or making it as easy as possible for a search engine to find your website. When someone enters a keyword into a search engine, the search engine goes and looks for that keyword in the text of a website.

When a search engine looks through the websites searching for a certain keyword, it tends to focus on certain parts of the page. For example, the titles of the pages in the website are important to the search engine, and it will look for the keywords in the title. Search engines will also focus on a page’s metatag, which is a description of the page that is generally found near the top or the header of the page. So, the aim of small business SEO is to maximize the search engine’s ability to find the webpage in connection with certain keywords.

Many people know this from personal experience – if you search for something online, you will generally pick a search result that you find in the first few pages of results, generally the first two pages. With SEO concepts, the idea is to move your website up in the search engine ratings, so that more people will find it.

With what we know now, you as a business owner need to think about the keywords you want attached to your business. This is one of the first steps in starting your small business SEO. First and foremost, you want your business name to be one of your most important keywords, but you also want some more general keywords. These keywords describe what your business does, makes or sells. For example, if you are a handyman that specializes in hanging cabinets, you want to mention the keyword, cabinets, quite a bit. This way when someone searches for someone who can hang cabinets, your website will be closer to the top. This is one example of small business SEO.

Since search engines often focus on titles and metatags, then this is where you should focus on putting your keywords. You should also take the time to put your keywords in the text of the website. Keywords and their placement are only one small step in small business SEO, but it is a very important one that will make your website more searchable.

How To Sell Your House?

If you are ready to put your house in Macon on the market, you want to do whatever you can to gain an edge over other homes in your price range and in your neighborhood.

The good news is that you can, once you know how. Keep in mind that selling a home is a major decision, one that needs to be thought out carefully. Once that decision has been made, your next priority is to move it quickly and at your asking price.

Here are some pointers to help you meet your goals. First, determine why you are selling. Obviously, the reason people sell homes varies greatly. For example, if you are selling because of a job transfer or some other reason to move quickly then you are considered a “motivated seller”.  There are home buying companies in Macon, GA, that could really speed things up. You can find these companies on internet pretty easy. Just type something like “sell house fast for cash Macon” and you can start browsing their services.

For a quick sale, you need to understand that you will need to be more flexible on the asking price whereas if you have time, you can hold out longer for the price you want. Most importantly, do not tell anyone other than your real estate agent why you are selling. Word gets around quickly and if a potential buyer finds out you need to move quickly, you can be sure you will not get the top asking price. Although you will be working with your agent on the price, before your home goes on the market, you too should conduct research to see the price of other similar style and size homes and homes in your general vicinity.


There is a phrase in real estate called “curb appeal.” When people drive by your home or show up with a realtor to look at your home, first impressions can make or break a deal right off the bat. Some people are great visionaries and can look past things that might need to be changed or fixed while other people see only the obvious. In addition, people will respond to everything from look, feel, sound, and even smell. Therefore, you want to make sure repairs are done, everything is in top working order, and that the house is tidy and clean. Do not think pulling a shower curtain closed will stop people from looking because you can be sure they will.

When you get ready to choose a realtor, remember that not all realtors are the same. Each offers different levels of experience and dedication. Therefore, you want to choose someone that is both reputable and knowledgeable about the area where you live. Rather than settle with the first real estate agent you meet, talk to several realtors to find the one that best matches your personality and needs. If you have family or friends who have recently used a good agent, you might meet with that agent first.

Once you have someone interested in buying your home, the negotiation process requires good understanding. With this, you want to leave yourself enough bargaining room. Selling a home can sometimes be emotional. After all, you have invested time and emotions into the house and while it might be difficult, try to remind yourself that this is a business transaction so emotions need to be kept in check. As you go through the negotiation process, have a good idea of what you are and are not legally required to divulge. If you are not sure, pull your realtor aside and ask. A common mistake made by sellers is saying too much during negotiations. Finally, remember that as people start coming through your home, it is fine to have more than one interested buyer. A little competition can actually help raise the final price.

New Inventions and Patents

If you have a new invention that is sure to take the world by storm, then you need to patent the invention as soon as possible in order to protect its integrity and your ownership for the lifetime of the patent. There are some things you will need to know about patents before you get started.

Generally, when you begin the patent process you will need the advice of an attorney or an agency, like Invent Help, to ensure all is being executed properly. If not, you will be risking your invention or someone else might utilize the idea. A patent is a legal document, so it must be filed and go through the system which does take a considerable amount of time and money.

Another important tip is to know what things are available for patenting and what are not. For instance, all technology and products that are new and offer a use to the public are allowed to apply for a patent. However, if you have invented new words, works of art, music, or similar items you will need to talk to an attorney about applying for a copyright or trademark. Different inventions are protected in different ways, but if you have a new technology or product then a patent is what you need.

Once you know a patent is what you need to protect your invention you will need to apply for the patent through a long application. This requires demonstrating significant knowledge of your invention and answering many questions. Then, once you file your patent petition you will have to wait a while for the patent committee to go over all other patents in order to ensure you are applying for a new and useful invention. Then, when your patent petition is approved you will have the sole rights to produce your invention to sell to the public for 20 years, which is the normal life of a patent.

Although, before you are approved for a patent for your product or technology make sure you do not share this information, sell or demonstrate it to the public because you will be giving up your right to apply for a patent. So, if you have new technology or products make sure you do not share the information with anyone in order to protect yourself and your invention.

Then, when you have your patent you will be able to start production. However, try to include the patent number on your products in order to reduce the risk of someone infringing on your patent.

One last piece of advice is to get an attorney to help you with the process. This is because the patent process is long, tedious, expensive, and can be confusing at times. Using an experienced patent agency, such as InventHelp, can help speed up the process and offer guidance during the process. Also, few applications for patents that are filed by individuals without the help of an attorney are unsuccessful because the forms are not filled out correctly. If you are really serious about filing for a patent and producing your invention, then talk to an attorney today.

Patent Law Can Protect You if You Inventing Something

Before patents were introduced, there was a high risk of someone freely making use of your invention to make a living and this discouraged many bright minds from coming up with inventions. As a way to motivate and protect the interests of inventors, the patent law was established. Since the establishment of patent laws, there has been a drastic increase in inventions. With patent law, no one can use your invention for money gains without signing an agreement with you.

A patent refers to a legal manuscript that provides protection to an invention against use, copy or similar manufacture by another person or inventor without the consent of the inventor. A patent protects the invention rights of the inventor. The protection does not last forever, but different inventions have different protection periods. Upon expiry of patent, the invention can no longer be protected. Three main categories of patents exist. There are utility patents, design patents and plant patents as you can see from https://www.harlemworldmagazine.com/why-inventhelp-is-such-a-valuable-resource-for-inventors/.

Utility patents offer protection to machine inventions, process inventions as well as inventions in biological and chemical composition matter. Design patents offer protection to aesthetic innovations and ornamental designs while plant patents protect the rights of new plant discoverers through asexual reproduction.

The patent that is most applied as well as granted is the first category-utility patent. This patent lasts for twenty years beginning from the date of application. The remaining two categories of patents are not as common as utility patent. Design patents have a lifespan of 14 years while plant patents have a lifespan of 20 years. Only the inventor can place an application for patent.

Patent law came into being to protect the rights of inventors as well as encourage continued innovations. Patent is an extremely complex field and hence inventors are advised to seek the help of patent agencies, such as InventHelp, or lawyers before placing applications for patent.

Mobility Scooter Types

Looking for that perfect mobility scooter to fit YOUR lifestyle? This guide will show you the different types of mobility scooters available. You will learn which scooters provide better mobility indoors, which work outdoors and much more.

Ask yourself these simple questions before proceeding on to the section below.

  • Will you be using the scooter primarily indoors, outdoors or both?
  • How much time will you be spending on your scooter?
  • What weight capacity will the scooter need to have?
  • Will you travel with your scooter? What kind of car do you have?

3 Wheel Mobility Scooters

If you need a scooter to help you maneuver indoors a 3 wheel scooter is probably the option you should consider. 3 wheel scooters work great indoors because they have a smaller turning radius than 4 wheel scooters. The turning radius on 3 wheel scooters varies from scooter to scooter, but is usually between 35 inches and 60 inches. The smaller the turning radius the easier it will be to maneuver indoors. A 3 wheel travel scooter can have as low as a 30 inch turning radius.

There is a negative side to 3 wheel scooters. 3 wheel scooters do not provide the stability that a 4 wheel scooter can. With only one wheel in the front of a 3 wheel scooter, too much leaning to one side or the other could cause the scooter to tip over. This is why 3 wheel scooters are recommended for indoor use, where the ground surface is smooth and less likely to cause the scooter to tip. 3 wheel scooters can certainly be used outside, but carefully consider the terrain you will taking your scooter on before you purchase. If you plan to use your scooter outdoors on a rougher terrain, such as grass and gravel, you should consider a 4 wheel scooter.

4 Wheel Mobility Scooters

A 4 wheel scooter is perfect if you are looking for a faster scooter, able to handle more rugged terrain than a 3 wheel scooter. 4 wheel scooters provide a better outdoor experience than other types of scooters. A fourth wheel on the scooter provides extra stability allowing these scooters to travel on some moderately off road terrain. Full size scooters also tend to get more mileage per charge than travel scooters or folding scooters so they work great for longer trips and places like the store or the mall.

You sure gain a lot by buying a 4 wheel scooter, but you must sacrifice some things as well. A 4 wheel scooter does not have as good a turning radius as a 3 wheel scooter. The turning radius on 4 wheel scooters ranges between 50-80 inches making it more difficult to operate in a house or any small indoor destination.

Some other options available with 4 wheel scooters include upgraded seating, rear view mirrors, upgraded lighting and upgraded batteries.

Travel Mobility Scooters

Travel scooters are the most portable scooters available. These scooters can easily be disassembled into multiple pieces so that they can be lifted without as much effort, with most pieces weighting less than 25 lbs. These pieces can then be stored in the trunk of a car. Taking your scooter to the grocery can be a breeze. If you have a smaller vehicle and plan to travel with your scooter, it is much more realistic to purchase a travel scooter. While not always necessary, scooter lifts can be used with travel scooters to make transport easier.

Travel scooters come in 3 and 4 wheel models, as you may expect. When buying a travel scooter, you will not have to forfeit all the luxuries of a full size scooter. Travel scooters can reach speeds up to 5 mph and still get you up to 20 miles on a single charge! 3 wheel travel scooters are more maneuverable, but 4 wheel travel scooters provide more foot room better stability, especially outdoors.

Heavy Duty Mobility Scooters

All scooter models, including travel and 3 and 4 wheel models, have what are considered heavy duty scooters. Heavy duty scooters are determined by their supporting weight capacity. Typically scooters with weight capacities over 300 lbs. are considered heavy duty models. If you require a higher weight capacity for your scooter and/or a larger seat than the standard size, consider a heavy duty model.

Heavy Duty scooters are typically built to be bit more sturdy since they support a high weight capacity. As a result, heavy duty scooters are great on outdoor terrain.

As you can see there are different types of mobility scooters to choose from. If you are interested in purchasing a scooter like the ones you see here, the best place to start your search is the internet. There are quite a few reputable online portals, such as the Landroverbar, where you can buy mobility scooters with great prices and every model is reviewed so you can make an easy choice.

Printer Repair vgxd

Plotter Printer Repair Service

Today, due to the increasing price of office and home printers, most of the companies and consumers are looking for an option to repair their old printers and plotters to save money. Most of the companies that have bought plotter printers at high end and mid range prices are looking for an option to repair their old models with more cost effective options.

Printer Repair vgxd

Today, there are many options available in the market to repair your plotter printers. For instance, in-house printer repair service is earning a lot of popularity in the market. It is not only convenient, but also more affordable when compared to other repair options available in the market today. Although, most of the issues and problems that occurs in printers could be solved easily by you reading the instructions, if there are some problems, then you may need the assistance of an expert. In such cases, opting for repair services could be the best option.

There are a lot of companies in Dubai providing plotter printer repair and management services, such as the plotter service center Dubai, for the customers. These companies have one specialized expert in each area, who will repair the printers instantly. These professionals will repair and resolve any problems that occur in the plotter printers.

Apart from printer repair, most of the companies are also providing print management service for the customers. For instance, when you are purchasing a printer, you will be provided with a warranty period. If you are finding any problems in the printer during this period, you will be able to get free services. Moreover, they also provide free management and maintenance during the warranty period.

On the other hand, if you have exceeded the warranty period, you may have to look for reputed managed print services, which can provide you the best solutions.

The Timeline Of The Patent Process

There are main steps in the patent process the patent search, and the patent application. Each of these steps has a distinct purpose and role in the patent process.

You may not have seen your invention sale in stores, or in use by the general public. Nonetheless, someone may have already patented your idea. And this happens more often than you might think. The purpose of the patent search is to make sure that your idea hasn’t already been invented.

A patent search allows you to see what patents are already out there, relating to your invention. These patents are commonly referred to as “prior art”. Since patent searches are relatively cheap, and patent applications are relatively expensive, it is to your advantage to perform a patent search before you file for a patent. Such a search can also give you a stronger patent, by helping you distinguish your invention from the patents that turn up in your search of the prior art. There are agencies, such as Invent Help that could help and you can find more information about InventHelp here.

The purpose of your patent application is to describe your invention. Once you have filed a patent application with the United States Patent Office you have a “Patent Pending”.

Your patent application will contain a series of “claims”, each of which is a single sentence that describes that which you feel are the patentable features of your invention.

For example, say you invented a voice activated telephone dialer. It allows you to say the name of the person you want to call, and your telephone will automatically dial that number.

One of your claims may look something like this:

A voice activated telephone comprising:

A voice receiver for receiving a voice command, a translator for translating the voice command to a numerical input, and a dialer for automatically dialing the numerical input.
Your application must provide the background, details and drawing to support the description of your invention given in the claims.

Once you have a “Patent Pending” it is assigned to an examiner at the Patent Office. The examiner will perform her own search of U.S. Patents based on the claims of your application. The examiner will then issue an “Office Action” indicating whether your patent was allowed or rejected.

If your patent was allowed, then your application may issue into a United States Patent. If your patent was rejected, you can amend your claims and resubmit them to the examiner.

For example, if the examiner has found a patent that shows your voice activated telephone, but does not show the specially designed computer chip that you used, you can amend your claim, above, to include this specially designed computer chip.

As you can see, if you have performed a patent search before applying for a patent, you will be able to prepare much better claims, and have a better chance of receiving a patent. Again, InventHelp patenting agency can help.

Once your patent has been allowed, you will have to pay an “issuance fee” to the United States Patent & Trademark Office. You will then be granted the right to prevent others from making using and selling your patent, for twenty years from the date that the patent was initially filed. Over the course of this period, you will periodically have to pay “maintenance fees” to maintain your patent rights.


An invention must be ‘new’ to be patentable. Any published source of prior art that discloses an invention can make an invention unpatentable. “Prior art” refers to all that is already public knowledge in the areas of science and technology.

There is no requirement to do a patent search before submitting a USPTO patent application. (USPTO Accelerated Examinations and many foreign applications DO require pre-application patent searches.) The patent examiner will do a thorough search, however, and cite the findings in the form of rejections and objections to patentability.

Doing a thorough search and taking it into account when writing a patent application is an investment-a money and time saver. Having a professional, such as Invent Help agency, do the search is wise because of the inherent problems that exist with patent searching, including:

Patent searches for new inventions are often done without the benefit of knowing the exact specifications of the invention (no written application yet) making it difficult to ascertain where the invention fits in its field and what its proximate function is.

The claims of the invention have not been written, therefore the scope of the future claims may not be known.

New inventions may use new terminology to describe a particular element of the design but only old terms can be searched.

Patents are full of vague and inconsistent terminology and sometimes use obsolete names and terms (especially older patents which are still considered prior art).

Patents before 1976 are not easily key word searchable but are still considered prior art.

Words have different meanings in different fields and industries and different languages.

Searching the scope of unknown claims is a difficult iterative process that may need to be continued throughout the process of writing the specification and claims take into account all references that are applicable as explained on https://celebmix.com/follow-in-the-footsteps-of-inventors-like-george-foreman-with-inventhelp/.

Other reasons to search: Searching other companies’ intellectual property filings can reveal research and development plans of competitors within your industry for both marketing purposes and for potential patent blocking purposes. Patents can be also used to locate other business opportunities and to gain technical information including detailed explanations of how various inventions are made and used.

Patent Registration Is Very Valuable

A valuable idea is always the most valued possession of a person and if the idea has got the potential to bring some commercial benefits then it becomes necessary to preserve it. The concept of ownership is same for all the countries as every single person with a valuable idea or invention wants to own it so that no other person can claim it later.

All we need to do to claim an ownership is to adopt a legal way about it. The best way to secure protection for our ideas is to get a patent or secure a trademark for the product related to it. Patent trademarks cover the identifier who comes up with a new idea or invention. The person who secures the patent for a product gets the right to sell it for getting financial profits and you can read more about it from this step by step guide for inventors.

However the first step to get the patent is to get a patent application and do the patent registration. Many of us harbor this wrong notion that we can secure the patent simply by applying for it. But the first step in order to get a patent is to go for the patent registration. It is only after we register our ideas for patent, the whole process starts underway. The officials related do a thorough check up of the documents before they award the patent.

A patent trademark is a name, symbol, design or a symbol which differentiates one product from the other. They extend legal protection to a person who has created concept so that no other person or group can claim the ownership of that concept. A trademark adds to the market value of a product as they are synonymous to the brand value of the product.

The more popular a trademark is, the more people will tend to buy that good. Hence a trademark helps to increase the commercial viability of a particular good. However one must not get confused as patents and trademarks are two different legal tools with the same fundamental motive as described in the article on https://www.iedunote.com/just-starting-out-as-an-inventor-inventhelp-is-everything-you-need.

But whatever the difference may be, one must go for the patent registration of the product the moment we come up with any new idea or concept. After patent registration, we can use the term ‘patent pending’ to imply that the given product is registered for a patent. This allows us to start the production immediately without worrying.

Provisional Patent Applications

A Provisional Patent Application is a relatively new form of intellectual property protection, which has only been available since about 1995. It is the FASTEST, CHEAPEST and EASIEST means for providing temporary protection for an invention and it does NOT require professional preparation.

What Does It Do? A Provisional Patent Application allows the inventor to mark the invention “Patent Pending” for a period of one year from the date the application is received by the Patent Office (Filing Date). There are no formal requirements for the written description or sketches and there is no examination. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about whether or not your material is adequate as explained by Invent Help experts.

A Provisional Patent Application CANNOT BECOME A PATENT and it expires one year from the filing date. IT CANNOT BE RENEWED. However, if a utility or design patent application is filed prior or to expiration of the Provisional Application, the invention would continue to be “Patent Pending” until a final determination is reached on the utility or design application.

Pros and Cons: Due to the Patent Office Secrecy Rules, no one can find out what type of application you have, when you filed or the subject matter of the application. Once the Provisional Patent Application is filed, the inventor can mark the device “Patent Pending”, can tell manufacturers licensees or others that it is and can offer the device for sale. Therefore, a Provisional Patent Application appears to provide the same protection as a Utility Application.

HOWEVER, the Provisional Application EXPIRES AFTER ONE YEAR, CANNOT BE RENEWED and CANNOT BECOME A PATENT! Therefore, if sales are successful and you want to extend your protection, or if you are negotiating for a sale or license of the invention and are getting to the point where you must show the other party what you have, you may want to file a Utility Patent Application in order to continue the protection and to have the possibility of actually obtaining a patent. Be sure to allow enough time for your patent attorney to prepare the new case.

I suggest contacting your patent attorney or agency, such as InventHelp when your provisional is about 8 months old.  You can read more about InventHelp on AZBigMedia. Also, a Provisional Patent Application CAN be used to show the date of conception, but not for computing the term of a patent. Whether or not the filing of a Provisional Patent Application starts the one year period for filing foreign applications is the subject of much debate.

A General Guide To Pesticide Control Service

Pests can negatively influence our lives by damaging our property, invading our space and threatening our health. Crop pests and rodents destroy a large portion of world’s food supply. In urban environment, most of the people are intolerant to any kind of pests in their homes as they cause some serious problems such as food poisoning and allergies. Presence of pests also affects us psychologically and emotionally.

Pest problem is much worse than we can even anticipate. In Australia alone, there are more than 18,000 pesticide control service companies dealing with all kinds of pests such as cockroaches, ants, termites, rats, fleas and mice. Smaller infestations can be dealt on your own, but for larger ones, it is advisable to hire professional pesticide control service, such as Radar Pest Control.

Dealing With Pests Without Pesticides

Pesticides can affect our health and environment negatively if not used properly. Before you call for pesticide control service, you can do few things to help eliminate and prevent pests in your house. This includes removing moisture that attracts pests, sealing to keep pests out, cleaning, preventing pests by making your house unattractive to them, using snap traps for mice and rats, using vacuum to remove ladybird beetles, spiders, fleas etc and using light traps for indoor flies.

Choosing Pesticide Control Service

When hiring a pesticide control service, it is advisable to get quotes from more than one company and then take your decision based on the quote offering best service at reasonable cost. It is not a good idea to choose any company just because it is offering the lowest bid as quality comes with an extra price. The reputable companies will cost more but will be able to provide better value for your money.

When getting the quote, get the breakdown of various components involved so that you are sure what you are paying for. Always choose the licensed and qualified pesticide control service provider. Before you sign the contract papers, thoroughly understand the type of pests, extent of infestation and the work involved to get rid of the problem. Don’t trust the bargains that sound too good to be true, because the probably are. If some pesticide control service provider has been in the business for 50 years, this does not ensure that they will be able to manage the job effectively. What really matters is the expertise, knowledge and tools available with the servicing personnel.

If you are getting home pest control service professional, be more specific about the kind of pesticide used, duration of the work and guarantee being offered by the company.

The Real Estate Website Digital Divide

As I spend most of my working hours online, I suppose I just naturally assume that everyone should have a website. Moreover, being submersed in the world of online real estate daily only served to reinforce this notion. So needless to say, I was a little surprised when I heard that there was a lot of thinking that predicated their move to a real estate website.

For the client, their reality was much different then mine. For the client, setting up a real estate website meant taking a jump into the realm of the unknown. As the client went onto explain, the web represented a literacy that they were not fluent in; a literacy that their kids could eat and breath, but that had, with the process of time excluded them.

It quickly became apparent that the decision represented much more then a need for online lead generation. For this particular client, it was facing a reality that technology had moved beyond them. This is far from tragic, the saving grace here is that client recognized their own ignorance and rather then letting it hamper their business aims, they chose to embrace it and make the jump regardless.*

Why is this moving story so important? Acceptance of new technology is often a difficult thing. In a prior post I looked at a survey that basically indicates most people resist technology simply because it is deemed expensive, frightening or time consuming (An Interesting Test). The end result is that many people are pushed to the loosing side of the digital divide. This disparity becomes greater as time rolls on. Thus, by not making the leap of faith, our client could have found themselves in a loosing position a few years from now. By jumping in with both feet, they firmly staked their ground in the digital realm and are refusing to go softly in to the night.

Apart from being the feel good story of the month, I highly encourage you to examine your own motivations for looking for a real estate website. If you find yourself shying away for reasons of ignorance, unfamiliarity or lack of time, really consider your desired outcomes. The digital divide is real and something that should not be ignored. There are great resources out there designed to take the stress out of setting up a real estate website such as this review for web developers building real estate sites. Gone are the days of needing to be a code wizard to run a real estate website. Understand your technological hang ups and move on.

Get STD Tests for Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Anyone who is sexually active should know the 2 important mantras: protect yourself and get tested. More than 30 million Americans each year become infected with an STD. When sexually active with more than one partner it is especially important to have an STD test periodically. This is to safeguard yourself and those you care about.

Many STDs have no symptoms and some only have symptoms after a length of time. Additionally, some STDs need to be specifically tested for. The good news is that most STDs are curable and all are treatable. In many cases you can even get an STD home test. But do yourself a favor and don’t wait. The longer you wait the greater the risk. Some STDs can have long term health effects if not treated. Sterility, increased cancer risk and even insanity can occur from specific STDs if left untreated. Chlamydia if left untreated can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

In women PID is an inflammation of the reproductive organs which can scar the fallopian tubes causing an ectopic pregnancy or even infertility. Rather than suffer any health-related consequences pick up an STD test at home. There are significant benefits to this option. An at home STD test can offer a number of advantages notably privacy and anonymity. Another benefit of the home STD test kits is that the scheduling is flexible. STD Test is only one of many at home testing options. Tests for HIV, herpes and hepatitis are also available on at least one 10-panel at home testing option which can be purchased at your local pharmacy or online. Most of the available at home tests provide 8-panel testing.

The STD testing cost is modestly priced. The at home package can be purchased for around 24 dollars. It requires that you provide urine and blood at one of several thousand available labs in your area. The product and testing are FDA approved and the results of the testing are available online within 24 to 48 hours later. You are provided a unique log-on and password where the STD test results can be accessed in the privacy and comfort of home. There is no mandated physical exam which is the case should you seek out a free STD test. If it turns out that you test positive, a physician will contact you if you like. The STD testing at home works well for some providing anonymous STD testing.

Vegan Diet And Iron

Vegetarians are those people who consume only plant foods, and do not eat meat or seafood and may not eat eggs. Vegans follow the same diet as vegetarians, and in addition, do not consume dairy products too. A vegan diet gives many health benefits, and with a careful diet plan, like with a vegan diet and iron, it can provide all the essential nutritional requirements of the body.

Dark green leafy vegetables and dried beans are good sources of iron, better than meat on a per calorie basis.

Absorption of iron by the body is increased markedly by eating foods containing vitamin C, along with other foods containing iron.

Anemia is a disease caused by iron deficiency is a worldwide health problem, especially in young women and children. In anemia, the healthy red blood cells reduce in the body. Iron helps in building red blood cells; when the body does not have sufficient iron, it will make lesser red blood cells or unhealthy red blood cells leading to a condition of “iron deficiency anemia”.

Less iron in our body limits oxygen delivery to cells. This results in decreased immunity, poor work performance and fatigue. On the other side, an excess amount of iron in the body can result in toxicity and sometimes even death.

It is not necessary that vegans have a higher incidence of iron deficiency than meat eaters. There is a plant based meat that is rich in iron for vegans.

Iron is a vital nutrient because of its role in carrying oxygen in the blood. Iron in the diet can be obtained from two sources, and hence the names:

Heme Iron: This is the iron found in food products from animals that originally contained hemoglobin. Red meats, fish, and poultry are the common sources of heme iron. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells which delivers oxygen to cells.

Non-Heme Iron: This is the iron that comes from plant foods like beans and lentils. Such form of iron is added to iron-fortified and iron-enriched foods.

Although heme iron is better absorbed than nonheme iron, but most of the dietary iron is nonheme iron.

Vegan diets are based only on non-heme iron. Due to this, dietary iron recommendations are higher for vegetarians and vegans, as compared to non-vegetarians.

So You Think You Have A Patent Idea?

So you have been bitten by the invention bug and have come up with one of the most brilliant ideas, which could change the way the world thinks or moves. Or that is what you tend to believe. Before you start daydreaming about the fortunes you are likely to make once your invention hits the market, the first thing you ought to do is to ensure that no one steals it or copies it and start making their own millions. You need to patent your idea, and start calling it not just ‘my idea’ but ‘my patent idea’. The most important reason for patenting your idea is that this is the one and only way you can protect your idea and legally call it your own as described by Invent Help patenting agency – learn more about InventHelp. So who gives a patent and how does one get an idea patented?

All patents are awarded by the United States Patents and Trademark Office or the USPTO. You can easily visit their website to access all information pertaining to patents – search, filing, application, etc. It is important to note that all ideas and inventions cannot be patented. In case someone else has already thought of the idea first and has patented it, the next person cannot obtain a patent for the same idea. To know whether your idea has been patented or not, you have to do a patent search and can file an application for a patent only if the idea is free and not patented yet. You can do online search for your patent idea.

After you have done a patent search and found that your idea is still patentable, you can either file a patent application yourself, or seek the assistance of a patent attorney or patent agency like Invent Help for doing so. You can find InventHelp reviews online for more info. USPTO even helps you to locate a good patent attorney. To file a patent, you have to pay the usual stipulated patent fee.

While inventions, innovations and ideas can be of various types, there are three types of patents granted: utility, design and plant. Each type of patent has a specific application. The patent application must include the name of the inventor, a short description of the idea or invention, the function and purpose of the invention, drawings, charts, testimonials and all other information relevant to the invention. Instead of a final patent, you could also apply for a provisional patent for your idea. These patents are valid internationally, though only for a year. During this time, you could do any change or modification to your design or innovation and re-submit the patent idea for final approval.

After your patent application has been submitted it will be thoroughly examined and reviewed by the USPTO. This is a time-consuming process since USPTO office is flooded with patent applications round the year. The patent examiner will have to make sure that your idea is unique in all respects. If your idea is found suitable, the USPTO will grant you a patent. If you find that your idea is rejected by the patent office, you could dispute it and try to file it again, with the help of a patent attorney, who will argue for the case on your behalf.

Invention ROI

Can your invention, once it enters the market, cover all the costs associated with delivery it to the customer? Can you make money after all of the manufacturing and assembly costs, the sales and marketing fees and commissions, the distribution revenue sharing agreements and any necessary logistics support?

Logistics support includes maintenance and repair, replacement parts inventory, return policies, training and any other associated fees and services that may be required to keep your invention in the hands of a happy customer.

Will your invention earn enough to get an investor excited? Investors, whether amateurs or professionals, seek a return on their investment usually measured in ROI. There are professional patenting offices like InventHelp that will help you in your process. Does your invention have the potential to deliver a good ROI in a reasonable amount of time?

There are many other compensation related issues, but these are the key ones. Notice, we haven’t mentioned you getting a dime yet, unless of course your invention is 100% self funded, then you should be a very prudent investor and seek a reasonable ROI for yourself.

You can do everything else right, get this wrong and lose it all. Control includes your intellectual property protection such as patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyrights as described by patenting professionals from Invent Help.

It also includes issues such as your rights in licensing and partnering agreements. You will probably need some type of help to get your invention to market. Just make sure that you don’t lose control unnecessarily while you are getting that help.

Online Christian Dating Website

Online Christian Dating Website can be termed as the redeeming factor for any single souls out there who are bound by faith to not to marry outside Christianity. This gives you an ample opportunity to meet and date several new people which were earlier out of your reach due to time or distance boundation. Christians across the whole wide world have found the medium of internet a very useful one for hooking up with their interests sharing same ideologies and belief in Christianity.

Online Christian Dating Services are there to help Christian single men and women to find their match. Besides paving the way for a new source of cupid striking has also rescued the lives of many unhappy singles from being relegated to the confines of unwanted matches and marriages. Now they too have a plausible option of meeting and falling in love with someone new, someone with whom they share certain chemistry. This is what any good Free Christian Dating Website will offer you.

Online Christian Dating Website Offers

  • Instant messaging
  • Voice chat, web cam chat
  • Virtual gift shopping
  • Online dating tips
  • Chat and discussion forums
  • Social outings, hangout postings etc.

Availing these services will definitely benefit you on the path of finding you real match. What remains to be seen on your part is to how soon you realize the importance of online Christian dating services.

Best Clothes for Christian Holidays

The winter holidays are festive times with many different types of events such as Christmas, Hanukkah or new years parties to attend. Each of these event types may have its own dress code (parties, get together, family gatherings, religious ceremonies), so its important to review the dress code for each event type. It’s also important to check the location, as different settings (restaurant or family home) have different dress codes.

The following is a quick overview of appropriate business casual attire for each event type. These are general guidelines.

Less formal occasions include holiday parties hosted by family and friend at family and friend’s houses. More formal occasions include business/work holiday parties and new years eve events at restaurants/bars or clubs. Additionally, since it is winter, colors won tend to be darker with lighter colored khakis and chinos being avoided.


  • It’s usually colder out during the winter, so a sport coat can be great to have.
  • For cold weather, sweaters can be a stylish addition.
  • Dress appropriately for the location of the event.

Spring holidays including Easter typically are more formal in nature. That said, the surrounding atmosphere of spring creates an environment where lighter colored Christian clothing is appropriate as seen on Kens Christian T-Shirts. These occasions are the perfect for business casual outfits.

Business casual outfits for spring holidays include light colored dress pants including chinos and khakis. These pants paired with a long-sleeved dress shirt, matching belt and brown shoes make a perfect outfit for a spring holiday.


  • Lighter colors are appropriate for the spring.
  • Dress appropriately for the location of the event.
  • Spring can be chilly, so it might be helpful to bring a sweater or sport coat.

Summer holidays (4th of July, labor day, memorial day) usually involve barbeques and other outdoor activities, so casual clothing is usually the norm. However, there are certain occasions where more formal clothing is required

Since the summer holidays are more casual affairs, a business casual outfit on the less formal side is recommended. This includes a pair of light colored khakis or chinos, a dress shirt, brown shoes and a matching belt. Darker colors shoes/pants are not usually required for summer holiday occasions.


  • Watch out for spilling food on your clothes – summer holiday food is usually messy.
  • Summer holiday events usually happen outside – wear lighter fabrics to stay cool.
  • Dress appropriately for the location of the event if it is not outside.

Chlamydia Testing Doesn’t Have To Be A Long, Embarrassing Process

If you’re currently sexually active, then chlamydia testing is incredibly important. Although this sexually transmitted disease is curable, it still remains a very serious one. Having untreated chlamydia can result in scar tissue throughout the uterus and urethra that will make it difficult to reproduce naturally in the future. While many people produce a bright-colored discharge, often lime-green, they may not have any pain with this illness. Moreover, some people experience absolutely no symptoms at all with this STD. If you believe you may have been exposed to chlamydia, whether you have symptoms or not, you should definitely have a test performed.

The Drawbacks Of Having Chlamydia Testing Performed In-Office

Getting tested for chlamydia in-office is hardly convenient. After all, you’ll have to make an appointment and take time away from work or your other responsibilities in order to receive the necessary care. Moreover, you will likely have to answer a seemingly endless array of questions concerning your sex life, your sexual preferences, and the sexual health risks that you take. Rather than simply issuing these tests, some providers may even require a physical exam.

In-office examinations are invasive, embarrassing, time-consuming, and many other negative things. For this and many other reasons, some people are reticent to get STD testing, even when they desperately need it. Some may even put these necessary processes off until they experience painful symptoms that they can no longer ignore. This can be very problematic with chlamydia given that a lack of noticeable symptoms is very common. In fact, it is possible to have chlamydia for years without even knowing it.

Chlamydia Testing At Home

The alternative to having chlamydia testing performed in a clinical setting is to have these tests performed right in your very own home. With this option, you do not have to take time off of work and you don’t have to answer any questions about your sex life that you don’t want to. Moreover, there is much more anonymity in this process given that you won’t have to risk bumping into someone you know, whether in the waiting room or as part of the actual clinical staff. The At Home STD Test Kits will be delivered right to your home address in discreet packaging. Once you have collected the necessary sample, you can send your test off to the lab and wait for your results.

Online Testing And Treatment

There are even some forms of at-home chlamydia testing that have a very helpful, medical component. For instance, some companies have licensed doctors on staff that can route the necessary antibiotics to a pharmacy of your choosing once your results are in. Others have trained doctors on their teams that can offer sexual and mental health counseling to help people deal with their STD test results. Ultimately, you have the ability to get as much or as little help and support as you need.

Best of all, the companies that provide at-home chlamydia testing are always aligned with reputable labs. This means that the results they provide are just as accurate as the results that you’ll get from testing in a clinical setting. All you have to do is carefully follow the provided instructions for the sample collection process.

Vegan Snacks for Athletes

Getting in shape is hard work. You have to put in the hours at the gym and keep yourself in an active lifestyle. Trying to get fit and build muscle while also living a humane and ethical lifestyle can be even more of a challenge. When you’re looking to maintain a vegetarian or vegan diet and you’re looking for ways to eat right so you can still perform at a high level as an athlete you need to have a game plan to find the right snacks that will give you the energy you’re looking for , such as the best plant based meats, while also being sourced such that you can trust that no animals were hurt or killed in the making of the products. You need to have a checklist to make sure you find the right options to keep yourself full of energy and not doing wrong by animals.

One of first options you should think of is energy bars. Either getting them at the store or making them yourself. You’re going to want something with a good amount of calories in it so you know you’re not leaving yourself lacking when it comes to having energy to handle your workout or game you’re about to be playing. Nobody wants to be on the team of the guy who can’t get up and down the court when you’re at the park shooting hoops. Peanut butter is one of the better sources of protein you can find in a vegan food so finding energy bars that have peanut butter in them, or making your own using all natural peanut butter is a great way to ward off hunger.

Granola bars are another good way to get yourself a healthy and vegan snack to help you power through a day of doing CrossFit at the gym. Having a broad outline of what you want for your snacks will help you mix and match different options for both nutrients and taste. Mixing in some fruit and nuts to go with the oats that make up the texture of a granola bar is a great way to tailor your snacks to suit the needs you want to have met. Throwing in some apple, cherry, or grape chunks can give your snack a great flavor and the natural energy you’re looking for to maintain performance during your activities.

Another great snack idea is to have a jar of mixed nuts. Nuts of all kinds provide healthy fats, proteins and good amounts of calories to allow you have a complete diet without having to compromise your ethics. Being an athlete is hard and being an athlete that doesn’t eat meat might seem like a task people can’t achieve but it’s very possible. If you follow this list for snack ideas you’ll be well on your way to have a bunch of healthy options for your snacks and you can make them sides for your meals. Keeping yourself in shape and full of energy isn’t as tough as it looks. You can do this and you’ll feel a lot better when you do.

Purchasing a Grand Piano

Purchasing grand pianos, otherwise known as a traditional or acoustic piano, is not something that is bought without a specific requirement. Depending on the requirement, the purchase can either be minimal or extremely high priced. Many people have the opinion that in order to teach piano lessons to children, the relatively cheaper upright grand pianos for sale are required.

However, a good piano teacher will tell you that grand pianos of better quality are more likely to be exciting for your son or daughter to play. It is also essential that the piano is in good condition and in tune in order to encourage playing. Therefore, you should always purchase the best grand pianos for sale that are within your budget. The only time there is a financial loss is when your child does not want to continue playing the piano.

Firstly, you need to bear in mind that you will listening to and looking at your piano for a long time. The normal lifespan of grand pianos for sale is approximately 40 years and it is highly likely that you will have it long after you have sold your current furniture.

Grand pianos depreciate very little. Used grand pianos for sale that were made 10 years ago and properly maintained will cost you almost as much as brand new grand pianos for sale. For that reason, you must purchase the best grand piano that you can afford. Making great music on a fine quality musical instrument is also a good way to keep a young pianist interested and encouraged.

Almost since the first piano was made, manufacturers have been trying to make it smaller. This has not been a particularly easy task, since good tone in a piano requires specific minimums in length of string and the size of the soundboard. Furthermore, the size of the original grand piano was cut by using stronger frames and an inventive and ground-breaking system of cross-stringing.

Then, in the late 1800’s, the upright or vertical grand piano was introduced, sending the space-consuming size and mass of the piano upwards along the wall, instead of out across the floor. This was such as success that even today, certain larger professional quality upright grand pianos for sale have an equal or sometimes, even better tone quality than many small grand pianos for sale.

Duct Cleaning

If you have been having issues with pollen and dust allergies, or you recently had your home remodeled, then chances are the air ventilation ducts need services. This can also be the case especially if you feel the HVAC system isn’t performing as it should, even though everything seems to be ok. Just like any other system, the efficiency in HVAC systems declines as time goes by.

Low refrigerant levels, a buildup of debris, dust, and improperly lubricated components are some of the factors that negatively affect the HVAC system’s performance. This not only reduces the system’s efficiency but also affects its durability as well. This is the reason you should have the systems serviced, and ducts cleaned to improve performance and effectiveness.

Having a technician look into this is recommended as it helps prevent further damage and more costs. As long as HVAC systems are well maintained and serviced, it will then save you frustrations in the future.

Mold, bacteria, and other air pollutants find a way into your house through air ducts. This is a major risk for you and your family members, especially if they are exposed to the pollutants. Having a professional HVAC Service Chamblee GA to look into these and conduct inspection for mold and spores is recommended. These professionals are well trained to diagnose, identify and contain mold and fungus growth.

Advantages of duct cleaning

1. Get rid of fungi and mold: Mold and fungi thrive in moist conditions commonly found in bathrooms and kitchens. These pose a major health risk for all. Duct cleaning is one of the best ways to control mold and fungus growth.

2. Removes excessive dust and odor: Trained technicians are capable of cleaning even the most inaccessible parts of the HVAC’s ducts. By cleaning these ducts thoroughly, these pollutants are taken care of thus paving a way for cleaner and fresh air.

3. Allergy and asthma relief: Ensuring the ducts are regularly cleaned also helps remove toxic allergens that cause asthma and other allergic reactions.

4. Saves you cash: As long as dust and other debris are removed from these ducts, the central heating system starts to run efficiently again, and doesn’t have to strain to keep your house warm or cool. This means the systems will use less power hence lower energy bills.

Before you can let anyone service or clean these ducts, take some time to ensure he/she is well trained and certified to offer such services. You should also discuss the charges with this technician as well.

What should you watch for in your brand

Regardless of how large or small your company is, it’s important to think of your business as a brand. Your brand is the sum of all perceptions your clients have of you. It doesn’t have to be nearly infallible like Coca-Cola or Apple. But, the more seriously you take it, the more sales you will generate over the long haul.

Here are a few tips to consider implementing this year:

Maintain digital conversations with customers. And, if you don’t already have them going, start. Remember, the real power of social media lies in two-way communication, rather than the “shout your message out loud to as many people as possible” approach that TV and radio used in the 1990s.

Measure social media on shares and comments. Likes and reach are good, but the real SEO value of social media involves generating shares and comments. That means people are engaged and spreading news of your business by word-of-mouth.

Don’t impersonate the big brands. Oreo and Red Bull have very active social media profiles. But don’t just copy their approach for your own. You need to have your own unique identity. Use them as a starting point for inspiration and create your own unique strategy or ask a marketing agency for help.

If you are a small brand, be careful with creativity… In advertising, taking a creative approach is like swinging for a home run. If your approach hits, your business wins big. If not, you lose the money invested and don’t get more clients. In general, it works better to work with a tested, focused, and incremental approach to building your brand. Larger brands can be more experimental because they can afford the risk.

Take responsibility for your own mistakes… You know the traits of bad clients, so don’t be one yourself. If you fall short in relationships with agencies and vendors as you develop your brand identity, acknowledge that and don’t blame them. That way, you can learn, move on, and take your company forward.

Learn more about the customer. Digital marketing focuses on a very personal experience because you can reach very small “micro-niches.” Focus on learning more about your customers, their pain points and what they really want to see from your company. Create a digital marketing experience that addresses these issues and desires.

If you advertise by mobile… Consider getting away from boring text messages. Develop visual content to engage your mobile customer base. And don’t forget to make sure your website is responsive. When your site doesn’t work well on mobile platforms, your users have a bad experience and likely won’t be visiting your site again (at least on a mobile device) which is a HUGE missed opportunity.

Make sure your departments/teams work together. It’s easy to have your various departments turn into independently functioning teams. To create a truly effective brand experience, however, they’ll have to work together. When customer service, sales, design and product development all need to work together there is a cohesiveness to your branding and message from every aspect, improving the overall user experience.

Start Now to Get Your Brand in a Good Position for the Future

Whether you are a small company or a growing agency, now is the time to start developing strategy for a more sophisticated approach to branding. Follow these tips and show your clients that you take your company seriously and watch your company grow explosively.