An invention must be ‘new’ to be patentable. Any published source of prior art that discloses an invention can make an invention unpatentable. “Prior art” refers to all that is already public knowledge in the areas of science and technology.

There is no requirement to do a patent search before submitting a USPTO patent application. (USPTO Accelerated Examinations and many foreign applications DO require pre-application patent searches.) The patent examiner will do a thorough search, however, and cite the findings in the form of rejections and objections to patentability.

Doing a thorough search and taking it into account when writing a patent application is an investment-a money and time saver. Having a professional, such as Invent Help agency, do the search is wise because of the inherent problems that exist with patent searching, including:

Patent searches for new inventions are often done without the benefit of knowing the exact specifications of the invention (no written application yet) making it difficult to ascertain where the invention fits in its field and what its proximate function is.

The claims of the invention have not been written, therefore the scope of the future claims may not be known.

New inventions may use new terminology to describe a particular element of the design but only old terms can be searched.

Patents are full of vague and inconsistent terminology and sometimes use obsolete names and terms (especially older patents which are still considered prior art).

Patents before 1976 are not easily key word searchable but are still considered prior art.

Words have different meanings in different fields and industries and different languages.

Searching the scope of unknown claims is a difficult iterative process that may need to be continued throughout the process of writing the specification and claims take into account all references that are applicable as explained on

Other reasons to search: Searching other companies’ intellectual property filings can reveal research and development plans of competitors within your industry for both marketing purposes and for potential patent blocking purposes. Patents can be also used to locate other business opportunities and to gain technical information including detailed explanations of how various inventions are made and used.

Patent Registration Is Very Valuable

A valuable idea is always the most valued possession of a person and if the idea has got the potential to bring some commercial benefits then it becomes necessary to preserve it. The concept of ownership is same for all the countries as every single person with a valuable idea or invention wants to own it so that no other person can claim it later.

All we need to do to claim an ownership is to adopt a legal way about it. The best way to secure protection for our ideas is to get a patent or secure a trademark for the product related to it. Patent trademarks cover the identifier who comes up with a new idea or invention. The person who secures the patent for a product gets the right to sell it for getting financial profits and you can read more about it from this step by step guide for inventors.

However the first step to get the patent is to get a patent application and do the patent registration. Many of us harbor this wrong notion that we can secure the patent simply by applying for it. But the first step in order to get a patent is to go for the patent registration. It is only after we register our ideas for patent, the whole process starts underway. The officials related do a thorough check up of the documents before they award the patent.

A patent trademark is a name, symbol, design or a symbol which differentiates one product from the other. They extend legal protection to a person who has created concept so that no other person or group can claim the ownership of that concept. A trademark adds to the market value of a product as they are synonymous to the brand value of the product.

The more popular a trademark is, the more people will tend to buy that good. Hence a trademark helps to increase the commercial viability of a particular good. However one must not get confused as patents and trademarks are two different legal tools with the same fundamental motive as described in the article on

But whatever the difference may be, one must go for the patent registration of the product the moment we come up with any new idea or concept. After patent registration, we can use the term ‘patent pending’ to imply that the given product is registered for a patent. This allows us to start the production immediately without worrying.