If you’re currently sexually active, then chlamydia testing is incredibly important. Although this sexually transmitted disease is curable, it still remains a very serious one. Having untreated chlamydia can result in scar tissue throughout the uterus and urethra that will make it difficult to reproduce naturally in the future. While many people produce a bright-colored discharge, often lime-green, they may not have any pain with this illness. Moreover, some people experience absolutely no symptoms at all with this STD. If you believe you may have been exposed to chlamydia, whether you have symptoms or not, you should definitely have a test performed.
The Drawbacks Of Having Chlamydia Testing Performed In-Office
Getting tested for chlamydia in-office is hardly convenient. After all, you’ll have to make an appointment and take time away from work or your other responsibilities in order to receive the necessary care. Moreover, you will likely have to answer a seemingly endless array of questions concerning your sex life, your sexual preferences, and the sexual health risks that you take. Rather than simply issuing these tests, some providers may even require a physical exam.
In-office examinations are invasive, embarrassing, time-consuming, and many other negative things. For this and many other reasons, some people are reticent to get STD testing, even when they desperately need it. Some may even put these necessary processes off until they experience painful symptoms that they can no longer ignore. This can be very problematic with chlamydia given that a lack of noticeable symptoms is very common. In fact, it is possible to have chlamydia for years without even knowing it.
Chlamydia Testing At Home
The alternative to having chlamydia testing performed in a clinical setting is to have these tests performed right in your very own home. With this option, you do not have to take time off of work and you don’t have to answer any questions about your sex life that you don’t want to. Moreover, there is much more anonymity in this process given that you won’t have to risk bumping into someone you know, whether in the waiting room or as part of the actual clinical staff. The At Home STD Test Kits will be delivered right to your home address in discreet packaging. Once you have collected the necessary sample, you can send your test off to the lab and wait for your results.
Online Testing And Treatment
There are even some forms of at-home chlamydia testing that have a very helpful, medical component. For instance, some companies have licensed doctors on staff that can route the necessary antibiotics to a pharmacy of your choosing once your results are in. Others have trained doctors on their teams that can offer sexual and mental health counseling to help people deal with their STD test results. Ultimately, you have the ability to get as much or as little help and support as you need.
Best of all, the companies that provide at-home chlamydia testing are always aligned with reputable labs. This means that the results they provide are just as accurate as the results that you’ll get from testing in a clinical setting. All you have to do is carefully follow the provided instructions for the sample collection process.