Business Law

How Patents are Awarded

Assuming that the patent application was filed properly, then the decision on which party will own the intellectual property rights to a particular invention will usually come down to the commonly recognized ‘first to file’ standard. Basically, if two competing patent applications cover the same invention, the patent will generally be awarded to the party who filed a valid patent application first and that is why you need a professional patent agency, such as InventHelp patent an idea agency, to help you.

Foreign Country United States Patents

There are two situations to consider when the issue of foreign countries concerns the application for a patent in the United States:

Can someone who is not an American citizen file for a US patent?

The answer to this question is yes, anyone can file for patent protection in the United States, just as an American citizen can file for patent protection in another country.

Can an American citizen file for a United States patent from a foreign country?

Once again, the answer is yes, but there are procedures that must be followed. First, the applicant must complete a valid US patent application, which can usually be located online. Secondly, the applicant must present the application to either a United States diplomat or a consular officer in order to be considered valid and properly received.

How to Proceed

If you have come up with an invention and you are convinced that it’s unique and worthy of official protection, it’s likely that you are eligible to file for a patent in the United States. However, in order to be sure that you are eligible, and in order to be sure that your patent application process is handled correctly, you need the help of an experienced patent attorney. As such, you need to contact the InventHelp patent services today to schedule an initial consultation.

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